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- Pepsi Just Bought Grain Free Girlie's Siete Foods For $1.2B
Pepsi Just Bought Grain Free Girlie's Siete Foods For $1.2B
And Beyonce is in her Señora Era

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If you’re seeing this that’s because you’re a Vamigas bestie, or signed up through our list on TikTok or Instagram in the last year. This is our new Vamigas newsletter.
We’ll share book launch news, beauty and wellness tips, self-care, entrepreneurship, life balance, plantitas, and and more - things that will make you feel bonita in everything you do. If you' don’t want this, you can unsubscribe below.
And we have a new book out: Pre-order Radical Señora Era now on Amazon. It’s gonna help you create a cozier, calmer life with some simple routines from the señoras of the past and its also going to give you secret super-powers.
Let’s get into it.
Tecito Time - Beauty And Wellness
There’s some new señoras in Sephora.
Do you feel stuck in old makeup routines from your earlier eras? I just re-designed my entire makeup pouch and have never felt better. Or you could just copy Eva Longoria’s full skincare and makeup routine.
I’m a minimalist and so my current favorites are Ogee’s contour sticks (and this is hard because I don’t particularly love the ethos of this brand), Kosas Tinted Airbrow, and any highlighter, usually from ThirteenLune. I also try to do only clean mascaras.
Here is the eye makeup that won Allure’s 2024 best of beauty awards.
These are the top concealer brushes.
But there are some things your aging skin may not even need.
This is the amount of workouts you need to avoid 200 diseases.
Now black-colored plastic is linked to toxic chemicals.
We are loving Perelel vitaminas. I’m taking their peri support pack, but they have pregnancy, fertility support, women’s daily, and more. We are not brand ambassadors or anything I just like them and they’re woman owned.
El Pop Culture and TikTok
Yup, Beyonce is squarely in her señora era.
Kim K. wants the Menendez Brothers freed.
John Leguizamo’s PBS Special is on everybody’s lips and TV’s.
What does it mean to be demure?
Home & Huerto
Summer is on its way out the door, and fall is here. Our little house and terreno is getting ready for the fall garden and I can’t wait to start decorating for fall. I live in California and I know our seasons don’t change, but in the campo we do get that foliage that I missed in the city.
Here’s a recipe for Porotos Granados.
My Pumpkin may arrive in time pa’l Halloween after all!
How do you know when pumpkins are ready to be picked? They should display full color, and the rind should be firm, resisting any denting when you press it with your fingernail. If your fingernail easily pierces the skin or leaves an indentation, the pumpkin isn’t ready for harvest. Additionally, the pumpkin will sound hollow when tapped, and the plant’s leaves will begin to wilt.
Here’s how to grow some pumpkins for next year. You’ll have to start around early July - though I started in late July.
My chicken got sick this week. If you want or have chickens, here’s what you need for your chicken first-aid kit. If you just get one thing, get the Vetericyn.
Señora Jefas
PepsiCo just bought Siete Foods for $1.2B. Congratulations to the Garza family! Getting acquired is every founder’s dream come true. They’ve been a staple of gluten-free, grain-free, and low inflammation girlies everywhere for many years so let’s hope Pepsi doesn’t mess with the original ingredients. The deal closes in 2025. Here’s to Latino Generational Wealth.
Are you a small business or brand founder girlie? We’re gonna start talking about how to start or grow your own business because we have so much we learned from running Vamigas.
Join our Latina Founders Club Facebook Group, where we’re gonna give you advice on how to build, market, and grow your business (and maybe eventually sell it for $1.2B?), show you where to find grants, and free money, fundraise, and much more, for free of course.
Book News
Want to read books together? Join our Cozy Casita Book club!
Follow our home and garden and book channel Senora Era
Find us over at TikTok where we just have fun basically and create funny things and talk to you
*some of the links may be our partners and we may get a small commission from purchases to keep this project alive.
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